Episode #59 of the Ground Shots Podcast is a conversation with Professor Matt Chew, and is hosted by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume, Nikki Hill and Gabe Crawford.
Dubbed a ‘gadfly of invasion biology’ by Scientific American, Matt Chew is known for critiquing ecology’s overreliance on societal metaphors and conservationists’ misapplication of notions like ‘nativeness’. Dr. Chew has a B.S. Environmental Interpretation and an M.S. Range Science (Ecology) from Colorado State University, and a Ph.D. in Biology from Arizona State University. As statewide Natural Resources Planner for Arizona State Parks, he coordinated their Natural Areas Program, researched wildlife issues, and served on interagency committees, one of which also included his future wife, plant ecologist Julie Stromberg. Julie was recently featured as a guest on Kollibri terre Sonnenblume's podcast, Voices for Nature and Peace. With Julie's encouragement, he abandoned government work to earn a biology Ph.D. based entirely on historical research.
Currently employed at Arizona State University, Dr. Chew conducts a field course in ‘novel ecosystems,’ lectures in ‘history of biology’ and ‘biology and society’, and works with postgraduate students. He was awarded an Oxford research fellowship in 2014. His articles in "Nature," "Science" and other publications have been cited in over 200 different journals.
Former podcast guests, Kollibri terre Sonnenblume, Gabe Crawford, and Nikki Hill host this episode.
Nikki Hill has a degree in environmental science and has worked in restoration and agriculture. Currently she invests her energy in wildtending efforts. Nikki and Kollibri co-authored a zine together called, "The Troubles of 'Invasive' Plants," which you can download for free on Kollibri's blog, linked in the show notes.
Kollibri terre Sonnenblume is a writer, photographer, podcaster, tree hugger, animal lover, and cultural dissident. Past experiences include urban bike farmer, Indymedia activist, and music critic. Kollibri holds a BA in “Writing Fiction & Non-fiction” from the St. Olaf Paracollege in Northfield, Minnesota. Kollibri hosts and curates the Voices for Nature and Peace Podcast. You can read his writings focused on ecology and politics at Maska Moskska press, linked in the bio.
Gabe Crawford was raised on a small homestead outside of Durango, Colorado and started learning about plants from an early age. He got launched on his plant journey by studying with Katrina Blair at the Turtle Lake Refuge in Durango. He moved to Sandpoint, Idaho where he worked with Twin Eagles Wilderness School and Kaniksu Land Trust mentoring kids. Through this, he started naturalist training which opened him up to the world of wild tending, Traditional Ecological Knowledge and the ancient and intricate relationships between humans and ecology. Gabe spent time with Finisia Medrano learning about the ancient wild gardens of the west that were and still are tended by indigenous peoples and was taught how to tend these first foods and plant back for future abundance. He collects the seeds of native foods plants, fruit trees, berries and other exotics to plant feral orchards and wild gardens.