I am unusually drawn to Cottonwood. The smell of the sticky golden resin that can be found on its buds, petioles, and sometimes leaves is one of my favorites that exist in our world. This love is so great that I wear a perfume made with Cottonwood resin as a base. I rub the salves I make from this plant on my skin and face just to feel what I feel when I smell it. Its a scent, like all scents, that ignites the bypassing of language and goes directly to that primal place of ancestral connection beyond just our human kin. Maybe I love it for that, for that immediate place it takes me, that kind of forget the small talk and the everyday menial sense of things and be in this feeling that our bodies are one part of a greater whole in time and space.
Left to right: Eastern/Plains Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) (looks so similar to Fremont sometimes but because of location it was found, I’m saying Plains, leaves are from along the middle Missouri River in South Dakota), Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) from the Tetons in Wyoming, and Black Cottonwood or a Black / Narrowleaf Cottonwood (Populus angustifolia) hybrid from the Great Basin National Park, Nevada. Collection and study from a 2016 road trip.